2022-23 Summer School Course List

Please follow the steps below to register for 2022-23 Summer semester:

  1. Contact your advisor to ask whether you can take any of the courses offered this term.
  2. Based on the feedback you get from your advisor, determine the number of courses you can take. You will make payments based on the number of courses you will take, so make sure that you confirm this with your advisor.
  3. Choose your courses from Genius between 21-23 June 2023. These should be approved by your advisor.
  4. Start your classes on the 3rd July 2023. Some classes are online and others are face to face. You need to attend all classes on campus if you have face to face courses. All exams, including the ones for online courses will take place face to face.

Please see below the list of courses offered for 2022-23 Summer semester. The timetable will be announced soon: