2020-21 Spring Semester Course Selection for BA students

Attention to ALL BA students in English Language Teaching, English Language and Literature and Translation and Interpretation Departments:

Please go to register.neu.edu.tr and select your courses for 2020-21 Spring semester. Follow the steps below:

  1. Go to “Dönem Dersleri/Semester Courses” tab.
  2. A list of available courses will appear below as “Seçilebilir Ders Listesi/Available Courses”
  3. Choose the courses that you are taking from this list and click “Seçili Dersi Ekle/Add the Chosen Course” button to add the course to your account.
  4. After this, the course will be added to your account account but it will need to be approved by your academic advisor before it appears on your transcript.
  5. If you cannot find any of the courses that you are currently taking in the list, please contact your advisor and inform him/her about the course code, the name of the lecturer and the full name of the course.

If you experience any problems with the login, please contact the registrar’s office/international office.