Celebrating the Year of Shakespeare – Updated

Departments of English Language and Literature, English Language Teaching and Translation and Interpretation invite you to celebrate the year of Shakespeare with a themed event: “Shakespeare in Films.”

Movie screenings featuring Shakespeare’s work will take place throughout the first week of May in R9 (Faculty of Arts and Sciences, second floor). The schedule for the screenings is as follows:

Date Time Film
Tuesday April 26th 14:00 hakespeare in Love
Wednesday April 27th 14:00 Romeo and Juliet
Thursday April 28th 14:00 Shakespeare in Love
Friday April 29th 14:00 Romeo and Juliet
These will be followed by a closing discussion of Shakespeare’s work in general and its representation in the selected movies in particular. The closing event will take place in AKM Hall 1 on 3rd May 2016 from 14:00 to 16:00.

This event is open to public.